Demonstrating our Core Value Patient Focus
Patent transport to and from hospital appointments is an important part of patient care. At ERS Medical we understand it is not only our responsibility to ensure the timely transportation of our patients to and from their appointments at hospitals, treatment centres, day units or other places of care but it is also our priority to make the journey as stress-free and comfortable as possible for all of our patients.
Today we are talking to Keith Vaughan, Lead Driver at our Ipswich Depot who certainly demonstrated our core value Patient Focus on one of his journeys:
Hi Keith, can you tell us a little about the journey in question?
“The journey was a patient and partner “wait and return pick-up” from Chelmsford to the University College Hospital London. (UCHL)”
The journey was for a patient with “limited mobility” and her partner. However, on arrival, I noticed that both the patient and her partner would both require my assistance.”
Can you tell us about the appointment day?
“On driving to UCHL our route took us past the rear of the new Tottenham Hotspurs Stadium, to which the patient commented that her husband was from Tottenham and hadn’t been up this way for some years. I am a Spurs fan myself, so we had a good old chat about the team.
Once we got to the hospital, I helped the patient who requested to walk and her partner who required a wheelchair to get to their appointment. I got a cup of tea for her partner and just sat there for a bit and had a chat, and just generally helped them out where and when I could.
Before leaving the hospital, the patient asked if she could get some food as she had been fasting all day and was extremely hungry, which again was not a problem to wait until she had finished.
On our way back, I thought it would be nice to take them on a detour past the front of the new Tottenham grounds so they could see it all lit up at night which seemed to please the patient and her partner immensely.
At ERS Medical we try to make the most of the time spent travelling with our patients as this can be a key factor to the overall patient experience, so it was lovely to get some great feedback after the journey via the CCG’S Patient Transport and Acute Commissioning Team,”
“We had a phone call from one of our patients yesterday, complimenting the crew member who transported her and her partner from Chelmsford to the UCHL. The lady wanted to express how grateful she was for his help and thought he was a ‘diamond’.” Patient Transport Team.
To find out more about our Core Values and what they mean to us read our Core Value’s blog here
Meet the Team

Keith – Lead Driver for West Suffolk Hospital
Keith has been with ERS Medical for three and a half years as a Lead Driver for West Suffolk Hospital and as a support Lead Driver at Ipswich & Colchester Hospitals.
Since starting with us in August 2016 on the Courier side Keith has undertaken Ambulance Care Assistant (ACA) training in April of last year to enable him to also work as an ACA.
Married with 4 children and 2 dogs, Keith is a very busy man but in his free time as you may have gathered, he is a big Spurs fan, he loves to race radio control cars and enjoys a good game of golf.